Message From Chairman

Ted Wen

Ted Wen

Connect the World with Exquisite Service

When it comes to competition, there is a saying that “the world is flat”; however, when it comes to the economy, it is said that“Taiwan’s market is too small”. However, if the world is _at and everyone is competing in the same market, then why is Taiwan’s market considered to be smaller than that of other countries?

When disseminating global competition, we tend to think of Taiwan’s technological development as an economic miracle. Taiwan’s technological products, including branded products, OEM’s, and components manufacturing are not only sold in markets around the world, these have also formed a very competitive industry within the global market. owever, competition amongst Taiwan, mainland China, and Korea made it diffcult for the technology industry to thrive and has thereby resulted in a reduced profit margin. In recent years, the younger generation of workers also seem less willing to build their careers within the technology industry, prompting us to wonder whether it is necessary to change directions and break into new industries. The Taiwanese people’s warm and friendly nature, ability to cultivate innovative ideas, as well as their experiences within the

technology industry all serve as assets which, when combined with culture, technology, and innovation, can be transformed into another core industry. Therefore, since the onset of 2008, we have committed ourselves to helping Taiwan develop its second core industry aptly named “New Service Industry.” In 2012, our theme intensified and became known as the “Exquisite Service Industry,” reflecting our core values of a knowledge-intensive service industry denoted by high quality, exceptional value, and global perspective.

Approximately 70% of the Taiwan’s GDP comes from the service sector. The expectation of the service industry revolves around dynamic requirements. For example, we begin with a wish for a convenience store to open near our homes. Upon acquiring that store, we further wish for it be open 24-hours a day. Eventually, our desires evolve and we wish for a drive through convenience store. These dynamic requirements reflect the present demands of the existing service market. As we continue to pursue a more sophisticated and convenient lifestyle, these kinds of desires often exceed the need for new products, thereby

increasing chances for more values to be created. To an industry, if the demand outweighs the supply, the cut-throat competition will not exist due to a saturation of demand. With this in mind, the service sector seems more worthwhile and sustainable, thus we hope to transfer these same qualities to the exquisite service industry.

When speaking of the global market, we would be hard pressed to find someone who believes that the technology industry is too small. However, in the past 10 years, it has been suggested that the Taiwan’s market falls into this category. A steady transformation from retailing to providing services has taken place because products can be shipped but services are restricted by distance. For instance, few people would fly somewhere for the sole purpose of enjoying a meal, thus service providers tend to focus on the local population, which determines the purchasing power that specific markets possess. Supporting this conception, it is rarely heard that service providers in the countries with big populations such as Japan and America, mention the market is small. Why is it then Hong Kong and Singapore, which are comparable to Taiwan in terms of population, are seldomly deemed as “too small?” One possible reason is that when services are purchased from a distance, the markets are not restricted to a specific region only. For instance, Hong Kong is considered a financial center, serving markets all over the world.

Therefore, the markets that are present in Hong Kong are not restricted to Asia only. While Singapore’s MICE (Meeting, Incentive, Conference & Exhibition) service is unique and invaluable enough to be acquired over distance, it serves as another example to show that a special service is not geographically restricted and can indeed be applied worldwide. Therefore, in 2009, the iSee Taiwan Foundation established two missions: 1) to allow Taiwan’s uniqueness to reach out to different markets on a global scale by combining it with service; and 2) to attract people around the world to come to Taiwan by marketing Taiwan’s services in innovative ways. By doing so, it is hoped that Taiwan will be able to attract more international visitors by sharing with the world all the various experiences and beauty that Taiwan has to offer.

Markets and talents are essential in developing any industry. Only with a sizable market and well-equipped talents can a market thrive. Therefore, while the iSee Taiwan Foundation dedicates every effort into developing a global exquisite service market, the Sayling Wen Cultural and Educational Foundation also plays an integral role through the cultivation of new service talents. Through our dedication, these talents become capable individuals who not only serve to deliver state-of-the-art services within the industry, but also develop high quality, exceptional value, and global perspective services. Enabling the talents to finesse a fresh way of thinking, develop new approaches to their jobs, and gain professional know-how and skills, that is the major focus for the Sayling Wen Cultural and Educational Foundation.

My father used to say: “There is only one type of person in this world: those who need to be cared for.” With this perspective in mind, we have learned that one should possess a global view while also keep a human-centric mindset in order to meet the needs of the people. Therefore we have chosen to commit ourselves in developing the exquisite service industry to meet the needs of people from around the world. Although the journey ahead will be a challenging one, my mother taught me that “as long as there is a will, there is a way.” With this attitude serving as a driving force behind our dedication to our missions, we have had the opportunity to not only gain large numbers of like-minded partners, but have also met numerous enthusiastic people who support our endeavors. We believe that so long as we do it together, there is nothing we can not accomplish.

In the future, by combining a globally connected exquisite service market and Taiwan’s new service talents, the two Foundations will continue to put forth our best efforts into developing and promoting a service industry with high quality, exceptional value, and global perspective. Through these efforts, we believe the world will see an elegant and special Taiwan.